


时间: 2016-12-20

香港,2016年12月19日 –亚盛医药,一家全球临床阶段的生物医药公司,将出席第35届摩根大通全球医疗投资大会并于2017年1月11日上午9点(太平洋时间)在美国加州旧金山市威斯汀酒店进行30分钟的公司演讲,演讲人为亚盛医药董事长兼首席执行官杨大俊博士。

HONG KONG, December 19, 2016 – AscentagePharma, a global, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, is scheduled to present at the 35th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, California, USA. Dajun Yang, MD, Ph.D. Chairman &Chief Executive Officer of Ascentage Pharma, will make the scheduled 30-minute presentationat the conference.


亚盛医药是立足中国、面向全球的临床阶段生物医药研发公司。亚盛医药主要瞄准国际新型小分子靶向抗肿瘤药物研发热点及发展趋势,设计、优化与开发具有全球自主知识产权的系列原创小分子靶向抗肿瘤药物, 用于治疗肿瘤,乙肝,和抗衰老疾病。填补国内该类技术研究及市场产品空白,并进军国际高端医药市场。亚盛医药在基于靶向蛋白结构的药物设计与优化领域形成了多项核心技术,拥有近八十项国际发明专利。截止目前,亚盛有5个产品进入美国、澳洲和中国临床I-II期阶段。

Ascentage Pharma is a China-based, global,clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, dedicated to discovery anddevelopment of “first-in-class” and “best-in-class”small-molecule targeted therapeutics for addressing unmet medical needs incancers, hepatitis B and aging-related diseases. Ascentage has world-leadingproprietary Protein-Protein Interaction drug discovery technologies and holdsover 80 international patents. Ascentage currently has five small moleculedrugs in phase I-II trials in US, Australia and China and additional programsin preclinical stages.

亚盛医药的研发产品管线主要专注细胞凋亡通路径关键蛋白的抑制剂,通过抑制IAP,Bcl-2/ Bcl-xL和MDM2-p53等,重启肿瘤细胞的凋亡程序;第二代和第三代的针对癌症治疗中出现的激酶突变体的抑制剂;与肿瘤治疗的有密切相关性的表观遗传学靶点的抑制剂等。亚盛医药在原创新药研发领域内的整体能力与水平处于国际先进地位。

The established R&D pipeline ofAscentage includes the inhibitors to a number of key proteins, including IAP,Bcl-2/Bcl-xL and MDM2-p53, that restore a tumor cell’s programmed cell deathprogram; 2nd and/or 3rd generation of kinase inhibitors that overcome mutantresistance in cancer therapy; and inhibitors of epigenetics.For more information, please visit www.ascentagepharma.com .
